We appreciate your interest in Salt Lake City trucking jobs with SLC Logistics LLC. Logistics is one of the fastest-growing industries in America. It’s essential to what we do every day and is becoming more important than ever before. If you're looking for a trucking job in Salt Lake City with a company that helps you expand your career, then look no further than SLC Logistics. To establish you as a carrier, please submit the following information:
Upon receipt of the required documentation listed below, we will send you a Salt Lake City trucking contract.
- Copy of your ICC Contract Authority
- Copy of completed W-9 form. Click here for a blank W-9 Form. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to display and print these forms.
- Certificate of Insurance naming SLC Logistics LLC as the certificate holder - with original certificate to follow.$1,000,000 in Auto and General Liability minimum
$100,000 Cargo minimum
Ready to find out more?
Reach out today to learn more about Salt Lake City trucking jobs and becoming an SLC Logistics Carrier.